YPD Golf is an Irish, family owned and run business, set up in 2016 by Yvonne Ritchie.
Yvonne has over 20 years of dedicated experience in the golf industry in Ireland
Preceded by 4 years working in the Scottish Golf market. She has worked with both ParAide and Duchell for over 20 years and was delighted to become sole Irish distributor for these brands with the birth of YPD Golf in 2016.

YPD Golf seeks to bring innovative, quality products to the market, and to supply all your
golf course accessory needs. We provide a wide range of exciting products including Golf Course Accessories, Range Equipment, Maintenance and Turf tools, Fertilisers, and a vast range of Customised Products including Course Signage, Guides and Scorecards. We also stock and distribute Course Furniture, and much more.

We as a team are dedicated to providing the Irish Golf industry with the highest quality products and services. A convenient Website together with a dedicated sales and distribution team ensure we are the leaders in Golf course equipment supply in Ireland.