Our revolution in water management for all amenity turf, Angus AquaEasy™ offers both soil penetrant
qualities and the ability to aid water holding capacity, thereby improving water movement through the root
zone and improving water distribution within the root zone.
Angus AquaEasy™ is an important and valuable water management tool suitable for use in all root zones. This
surfactant penetrant and block co-polymer new ‘generation technology’ helps to prevent or dispatch with dry
patch, reduce water related plant stress, reduce the requirement for irrigation and ensure even water
distribution throughout any root zone.
Research worldwide has shown the initial cause of dry patch is the build-up of naturally produced waxes and lipids around
the sand/soil particles. When these coated sand/soil particles dry out they become hydrophobic (water-repellent) and the
root zone is unable to hold water. Dry patch usually appears during periods of dry weather as small isolated patches of thin,
stressed water repellent turf. The symptoms can affect all turf grass species but initially are more apparent on the shallower
rooted species i.e. annual meadow grass where total die back of the plant can occur very quickly.
Beneath the surface in these affected areas the soil is extremely dry and will not easily re-wet. Research in the UK has
shown that the build-up of waxes and lipids around the sand/soil particles that cause dry patch are concentrated at the soil
thatch interface and this area is referred to as the hydrophobic zone.
Angus AquaEasy™ offers the following benefits:
• Improves water penetration
• Improves water distribution
• Helps to prevent dry patch or helps to overcome dry patch
• Reduces water related plant stress
• Reduces the requirement for irrigation
• Effectively disperses dew & guttation
• Encourages a healthy balance of air & water in the root zone
• Provides an improved environment for healthy root growth
Application rates:
1 litre of product in 40 litres of water – (approx. 1 litre AquaEasy™/green)
2.5 litres of product in 100 litres of water
10 litres of product in 400 litres of water
1 ha 20 litres of product in 800 litres of water
Available in 10 litre containers – 200 litre and 1000 litre containers also available
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